Our Mission
To operate a Christ-centered ministry that uses horses to:
- Help in recovery from trauma (emotional, and/or physical), abuse and neglect.
- Demonstrate Christ’s love for individuals in order to reach the lost and help Christians grow in their faith.

Our History

Kevin’s first calling in life was to serve the US Army as an Infantry Officer. He and Robin married after his first year in the Army. Fast forward about 18 years and the Warren’s were contemplating retirement from the Army. Kevin was serving in Iraq and Robin was at their home station at Fort Richardson, Alaska. As they prayed, God clearly impressed on both of them that He intended them and their family to serve as missionaries following retirement. With that calling understood, one morning in Eagle River Robin heard a broadcast of Focus on the Family. Dr James Dobson was interviewing Kim Meeder, Co-Founder of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. Robin knew instantly that God was calling the Warren’s to establish a ministry modeled after Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. Instead of sending the Warren’s to serve as missionaries in a foreign country, God asked them to establish Glory Reins Ranch just outside of Farmville, Virginia.
Why Farmville, Virginia you might ask? Well, God had that planned out too. In the late 1990’s, He put it in Robin’s parent’s, Jerry a.k.a. “Pap” and Bonnie a.k.a “Nana”, hearts to move from the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia to a nice, quiet place in the country where they could enjoy their retirement years in peace. So, they bought a 95 acre place on a hand shake. Little did they know it was a perfect place for a horse ministry. One enters the property by turning off of a road with only a centerline onto a long, narrow driveway with trees pressing in. As one crosses over a creek and comes up a hill, they enter an open area with pastures surrounded by forest. Many times we’ve heard a guest say, “I felt a peace that I know came from God as soon as I turned onto the driveway.”
After building a house, Kevin and Robin turned their attention to building Glory Reins Ranch. After incorporating, drawing up By-Laws and filing for 501(c)3 status with the IRS, Glory Reins Ranch opened in 2010. Approximately 20 guests visited the Ranch that year. Those guests rode in a tape fence paddock, sat in lawn chairs in the shade of the trees on the far side of the driveway, and got their tack from an old barn. The first Hoedown Fund Raiser was held in the Warren’s front yard and they knew every person who attended intimately.
Since that time God has sent thousands of guests to Glory Reins Ranch, routinely over 500 per year. The Ranch has a riding arena and a super nice ministry barn. We often meet people at the Hoedowns that we didn’t know previously. But most importantly, God uses Glory Reins Ranch to show His love to hurting people. He uses Glory Reins Ranch to help guests heal from trauma (physical or emotional), abuse and neglect and to help Christian’s grow in their faith.
Our Board